There was no broken spring I merely needed instruction in how to reattach the red emergency cord and re-engage my garage door opener's motor.Bryson was no help at all. I scheduled an appt. for Thursday Nov. 18 at 4:30 PM the person on the call assured me that 4:30 was fine and had been approved by her supervisor. Bryson began calling several times around 9:00 that day, and leaving messages, I was at work and made time to return his call around 2:00. He informed me that his company did not adjust their service windows to accommodate customers, additionally, "I was not entitled to 24 hour service." All I asked for was a half hour, Bryson was insulting, disrespectful, and spent several minutes scolding me and insinuating my business with his firm was am inconvenience, and that I was the problem. Bryson finally told me he was not coming for the appt. I have no desire to utilize this technician in the future I don't want him working on my equipment with that attitude.
- Doug Sears